Full Form of SSC and Complete List of All SSC Exams
In the realm of government job aspirants in India, the term “SSC” holds significant importance. Standing for the “Staff Selection Commission,” SSC is a prominent organization that conducts a multitude of SSC exams to recruit individuals into various government departments and ministries. Let’s delve into the full form of SSC and explore the exhaustive list of all SSC exams that provide opportunities to countless candidates seeking stable and prestigious government jobs.
Full Form of SSC
SSC, or Staff Selection Commission, is an autonomous body under the Government of India that is responsible for recruiting staff for various government departments, ministries, and subordinate offices. The commission was established in 1975 and is headquartered in New Delhi. Its primary role is to conduct examinations and interviews for the recruitment of candidates to non-gazetted Group B and Group C posts in the central government.
Complete List of All SSC Exams
The Staff Selection Commission conducts a wide range of exams catering to different educational qualifications and job roles. Below is a comprehensive list of all major SSC exams –
1. SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC CGL)
This is one of the most sought-after exams conducted by SSC. It recruits candidates for Group B and Group C posts in various ministries, departments, and organizations of the Government of India. The exam consists of four tiers – Tier-I and Tier-II are conducted online, Tier-III is a descriptive paper, and Tier-IV includes a computer ability test or skill test.
2. SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (SSC CHSL)
This exam is performed to recruit candidates for posts like Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Data Entry Operator (DEO), Postal Assistant, and Sorting Assistant. The exam consists of three tiers – Tier-I is a computer-based exam, Tier-II is a descriptive paper, and Tier-III is a skill test or typing test.
3. SSC Junior Engineer Examination (SSC JE)
This exam is conducted to recruit Junior Engineers in various government departments. It includes branches like Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Quantity Surveying, and Contract. The exam is conducted in two stages – Paper-I and Paper-II.
4. SSC Stenographer Examination
This exam is conducted to recruit candidates for the post of Stenographer Grades’ C’ and ‘D’ in different government divisions and communities. The exam is composed of a computer-based test and a skill test.
5. SSC Multi-Tasking Staff Examination (SSC MTS)
The MTS exam recruits candidates for different Group C posts in various ministries and departments. It is a two-tier exam, with Paper-I being objective in nature and Paper-II being a descriptive paper.
6. SSC Constable (General Duty) Examination (SSC GD Constable)
This exam recruits candidates for the post of Constable (General Duty) in various paramilitary forces and police organizations. The recruitment is done for both male and female candidates.
7. SSC Central Police Organization Examination (SSC CPO)
This exam is conducted for the recruitment of Sub-Inspectors (SI) and Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) in Central Police Organizations like Delhi Police, CAPFs, and CISF. The exam comprises Paper-I, Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET), Paper-II, and Detailed Medical Examination (DME).
8. SSC Junior Hindi Translator Examination (SSC JHT)
This exam recruits candidates for the post of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, Senior Hindi Translator, and Hindi Pradhyapak in various government departments and ministries.
9. SSC Selection Posts Examination
This exam is conducted for recruiting candidates for various Group B and Group C posts in different government departments and organizations. The recruitment is accomplished relying on the candidates’ performance in Paper-I and, in some cases, Paper-II.
10. SSC Departmental Examinations
Apart from the above-mentioned SSC exams, SSC also conducts departmental exams for the existing employees of government departments to enhance their skills and promote them to higher positions.
These are some of the major SSC exams performed by the Staff Selection Commission. Each exam caters to different educational qualifications, skill sets, and job roles, providing a wide array of opportunities for job seekers across the country.
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