Eye Flu or Conjunctivitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention
In the monsoon season, eye flu is active all over India, and eye flu in Delhi has a breakout. Eye flu or conjunctivitis, is a very high and impolite eye infection. It starts with viruses, bacteria, redness, itching, and extreme tears. In starting conjunctivitis covers all the white parts of the eyes then tiny blood vessels mix with conjunctivitis and make your eyes red.
According to reports, they admit 1000 cases per day in Delhi. Along with Delhi Agra is also suffering from a considerable score of patients who suffer from eye flu. In Delhi, all schools are closed due to viral eye flu. It is more harmful to kids than to others. Eye flu increases their cases during rainy seasons every year” Red Eyes Return with Monsoon”.The previous year reported 646 cases in Delhi but this year cases are increased. The increment in these numbers is due to high awareness and swift action to control these cases of eye flu in Delhi.
What is Eye Flu or Conjunctivitis?
Viral conjunctivitis eye flu is redness in the eye. Conjunctiva is the transparent, thin membrane that covers the eyeball and the innards of the eyelids. When conjunctivitis eye flu enters your eyes, they cover all the white parts of your eyes and turn into red or pink color. That is why many people call it pink eye. Viral eye flu is highly transmissible and easily laid out through contact and touch. According to the Centers for disease control (CDC), viral eye flu with pink eyes is normal but conjunctivitis includes redness and swelling in the white part of the eye consistently.
What are the causes of eye flu?
Eye flu is commonly increased in the rainy season because the rain comes with many viruses and bacteria. but there are some other reasons to increase eye flu cases.
- Viral eye conjunctivitis- Viral eye conjunctivitis is the same virus that is also responsible for regular colds. This viral conjunctivitis eye flu is increased by these colds also. This eye flu can be spread just by looking and easily transfer from one person to another person by seeing in the eyes, blowing the nose, and rubbing their eyes.
- Bacterial conjunctivitis- This eye flu is increased by various types of bacteria. Viral conjunctivitis is very transmissible and hurtful, highly contagious, and produces a thick,yellowish-green discharge at the corner of the eyes after your eyes turn red or pink. You usually require a short cure or medicine and antibiotic eye drop for eye flu.
- Allergic conjunctivitis-eye flu news breakouts are common in the monsoon season due to raised humidity grades and bacteria on rainy days. This eye flu is more effective by allergens such as pollution, pet dander, or dust mites. After catching the eye flu your eyes start itching, redness, or continue to tear. eye flu breakout in Delhi because it is the most polluted city in the world.
- Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis(GPC)-Conjunctivitis flu is commonly born with the continued use of contact lenses. causing continued discomfort, small bumps of blood are produced on the internal shell of the eyelid.
- Chemical Conjunctivitis-Viral eye flu is always not effective. Sometimes it increases by medical conditions such as thyroid disease, gout, certain types of cancer, skin conditions, and also these things-
- Uses Contact lens
- Cosmetics
- Injury to the eye
- Intense light
- Smoke
- wind
Symptoms of eye flu- Eye flu can be spread just by looking. It passes very easily. Here are some symptoms of viral eye flu that depends on the various cause like bacteria, allergic-
- Conjunctiva turns pink
- Itching and irritation of the eyes
- Excessive tearing or water discharge
- Thick, yellow, or greenish discharge around the eye corner
- Feel sandy particles in the eyes
- Eyes pivot more exposed to sunup
- Eyelids turning swollen
If you experience any of these symptoms then consult the eye specialist and take a proper course of medicine and get a suggested Moxifloxacin drop for eye flu.
What is the treatment for eye flu?
There are many types of eye flu why need different-different treatments suggested for various types of viral eye flu by specialists or ophthalmologists-
- Viral Conjunctivitis-Viral eye flu connected within 1-2 weeks, when you realize their symptoms you can easily do eye flu treatment at home by following these steps.
- Use an eye specialist or Ayurveda eye drop
- Apply warm squeeze to decrease irritation or etching
- Avoid touching your eyes with your hands.
- Bacterial Conjunctivitis- You cannot recover this bacterial eye flu at home. You need to consult an eye specialist and do a proper course to decrease bacterial conjunctivitis.use Moxifloxacin eye drop for viral eye flu.
- Allergic Conjunctivitis-The best way to control allergic conjunctivitis is to sidestep exposure to allergens. To complete the treatment of this eye flu, you need a check-up and Coricidin eye drops or oral antihistamines to decrease the allergy and symptoms.
- Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC)-The common treatment of GPC includes Remid the underlying cause, Eye specialists recommend you use a contact lens or suggest you a Ciprofloxacin eye drop or medicine to reduce allergy.
- Chemical Conjunctivitis-In the case of chemical Conjunctivitis, first flush your eyes with clean water. If you cannot see a change then go to an eye expert to manage the situation.
Prevention tips for eye flu-
If you are suffering from eye flu or you just experienced this so don’t panic you can easily recover this with good hygiene and taking proper precautions to decrease the injection. To do eye flu treatment at home breakout some precautions and Ciprofloxacin eye drops for recovery .here are some tips to help you recover from the eye flu-
- Routinely wash your hands with soap or hand wash for at least 20 minutes before or after touching your eyes or face.
- Do not continue to touch or rub your eyes. It boosts the hazard of disease.
- When you cannot do hand washing many times then sanitize your hand with alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Do not share your soap, towel, eye drops, eye makeup, sunglasses, or contact lenses with others.
- Do not contact those people who get sugar from eye flu.
- Avoid using swimming pulls during the rainy season because water mixes with dirty particles and bacteria in the monsoon season.
- Cover your face with a mask during the summer or monsoon because dirty particles come with wind and rain.
- If you use contact lenses then make sure that your hands are properly sanitized and lenses are clean. avoid wearing them while you experience itching or irritation in your eyes.