How To Boost The Immune System During Coronavirus

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How To Boost The Immune System During Coronavirus

Coronavirus is spreading rapidly, every day the new cases are come in bulk in all over the world, including India. As we all know that there is no vaccine to prevent or manage the damage that is caused by Coronavirus. But there is no need to worried if your immune system is healthy, you can easily fight with Coronavirus. The experts say that the people with the weak immune system, mostly children, elderly people and pregnant women are more at risk to get infected with this virus. But this doesn’t mean that except these people all have a strong immune system. So, You have to boost the immune system to fight with COVID-19.

Here We Have Explained Some Tips To Boost The Immune System.

1. Do Exercise

Take some time from your whole day and do exercise; the regular physical activity can boost your immune system and make your body strong to fight with Coronavirus or COVID-19. The exercise will help to flush virus and bacteria out of the airways and lungs.

2. Nutrition Diet

Take balanced diet and add nutrition in your daily food. Eat healthy food such as fresh veggies, seasonal fruits and seeds that offer sufficient vital nutrition. Those people who take a more nutritional diet have a strong immune system. The balanced diet or nutrition diet reduces infection risk and improves the immune system.

3. Take Proper Sleep

To boost the immune system, it is important to take proper sleep because lack of sleep makes lesser cytokines in the body that is a kind of inflammation and infection. The health experts advice that taking proper sleep can improve your immune system.

4. Stress Management

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, everyone is going through a difficult phase. It may be stressful for all, but you should not stressed and panic. The stress and panic cause inflammation in the body that makes the immune system weak. So to manage your stress, do breathing techniques, yoga, and mediation. It will help you to improve your immune system.

5. Vitamins To Boost Immunity

There are some vitamins and supplements such as Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and Iron all these Vitamins and supplementary help to boost the immune system so increase the intake of these vitamins. The foods which are rich in Vitamins and minerals are garlic, spinach, broccoli and citrus fruits. All these food reduces the risk of infection and virus.

Also read, Coronavirus And Their Symptoms

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