How to Treat Dandruff At Home
Dandruff is a chronic condition that usually develops on the scalp and causes flaking skin. It’s very common and can sometimes occur in places other than the scalp, like the eyebrows. While it can be annoying, the good news is that it’s fairly easy to treat.
Dandruff can happen to anyone at any age, from babies (commonly called “cradle cap”) to older adults. It usually happens after puberty in areas of skin where there are a lot of oil-producing glands, which is why you’ll often see dandruff on the head or eyebrows. It is a chronic condition that can be an embarrassing nuisance for anyone.
Home Remedies to Treat Dandruff
A dry scalp tends to flake and itch, but usually, the flakes you’ll experience with dry skin are smaller and less oily. Restoring moisture to the scalp can help with itchiness. The best moisturizer might already be sitting on your kitchen shelf. Coconut oil has moisturizing and antibacterial properties, making it a great, natural choice for fighting dryness.
Not all shampoos & cleansers are the same
If your scalp is itchy, you may be able to get some relief by using over-the-counter (OTC) shampoos that are formulated to help with dandruff.
Getting the right fit may take some trial and error, so if you haven’t had luck in the past, try again. Sometimes alternating two or more shampoo types can also help.
Practice good hygiene
Shampooing, washing hair enough can do more harm rather than good to your scalp. It can keep oils at bay while helping with dandruff symptoms. While you are at it, try to resist the urge to scratch your scalp. The itchiness is initially caused by irritation from dandruff, but scratching will increase irritation and lead to a vicious cycle.
Avoid scratching
Using too many products in your hair can irritate the scalp and lead to more itchiness. Try eliminating anything extra from your personal care routine and adding back in slowly to discover which gels, sprays, and other products don’t make your symptoms worse.
It’s time to Relax
Stress can aggravate or even worsen dandruff for some individuals. While Malassezia is not introduced to your scalp by stress, it can thrive if your immune system is compromised, which is exactly what stress does to your body.
Do your scalp favour and relax. Try taking a restorative walk or practising yoga. You may even find it helpful to keep a log of stressful events. Write down what they are and how they impact your dandruff. That way, you can do your best to avoid potential triggers in the future.
As flake-free is the way to be!