Most Expensive Dog Breeds

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Every dog lover wants to buy their favourite dog. But, nowadays buying a dog is quite costly. Instead, think about the price of an amazing vacation or a good piece of a car down payment. But, the most expensive dog breeds hold a special place, just like mixed breeds. Their uniqueness and charm make them well worth the investment.

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and with the means, you can often find the perfect companion tailored to your preferences. In the list of most expensive dog breeds in the world, Akitas and Rottweilers are ranked on top among all of them. But before choosing a pet dog for your home, don’t forget, that you can find loyalty, protection, and wonderful companionship in a mixed breed as well. But let’s delve into the financial side of things now, especially when it comes to the pricier breeds. Brace yourself, as the numbers might just leave you in awe. 

Why are Some Dogs So Expensive? 

So why are breeds dogs such expensive? Everything about raising a dog has some expense to it, and the breeder is bearing that burden until it’s turned over to you. This includes: 

  • Birthing
  • Feeding
  • Vaccinations
  • Any cost out of pocket for a specific guard or service breed
  • Grooming
  • Their pedigree

Most Expensive Dog Breeds

1. Samoyed- 

All over the world, the most expensive dog is the Samoyed. This soft rare breed is loving, social, and developed in Siberia. This breed loves to run and needs to stay on the bridle whenever they are out. They are the most powerful breed. You might find yourself shelling out a hefty sum at the veterinarian’s office, though. Samoyed breeds are also intelligent, social, and devilish dogs that always want attention, making them excellent for families and children.


This breed is prone to autoimmune conditions, and cardiac disorders, and these diseases are not inexpensive to treat and discover. If you select Samoyed as a family dog then ready to spend a lot of money. 

2. Lowchen- 

Lowchen’s “little lion dog”, is one of the rare breeds in the world. Today only 300 Lowchens live in the world. Lowchen dogs are extremely intelligent.


This breed is ideal for dexterity and loves being around their human family. If the price tag alone makes you feel uneasy, let’s shift our focus elsewhere.

3. Chow Chow- 

The Chow Chow originates from Northern China and is ranked among the oldest and rarest breeds in the world. This dog breed is also counted among the list of most costly dogs. They need a fair amount of common exercise and this breed is naturally stubborn.

Chow Chow

The life of a Chow Chow dog is around 8-12 years but it can be raised with proper care. While Chow Chows can exhibit aggression toward other dogs, proper socialization can help them learn to coexist peacefully.

4. Tibetan Mastiff- 

Tibetan Mastiff also known as Do Khyi. This guard dog breed from the Himalayas has a lion-like personality because of its size and strength.

Tibetan Mastiff

This is also one of the most expensive breeds you can find. They bred in Tibetan monasteries as guard dogs fetch incredibly high prices and are often seen as prestigious status symbols among affluent Asians.

5. Azawakh- 

Azawakh is one of the newest breeds all over the world and it is also the most expensive. Originating from West Africa, they were used as hunting dogs and distinct relatives to Middle Eastern and South Indian hounds. As hunting dogs, Azawakhs have a remarkable ability to recover quickly from injuries and are relatively free from hereditary conditions.


The main health troubles for this breed are epilepsy and Wobbler disease. Azawakh’s average lifespan is 12-15 years with high-quality pet care. 

6. Rottweiler- 

The Rottweiler’s robust physique and self-assured demeanour render it an excellent choice for service or protection duties.


The Rottweiler is also a good family dog because of their loyalty and observance to their owners. Their lifespan is also significantly lower than other dogs at only 8-10 years.  

7. Canadian Eskimo Dog- 

The Canadian Eskimo Dog is counted as one of the rarest and most expensive dogs in the world. Originating from Siberia over 1,000 years ago, Azawakhs were introduced to North America and have seen a decline in population since the 1960s.

Canadian Eskimo Dog

Their number decreased quickly due to the setup of the snowmobile and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Canadian Eskimo Dogs are also aggressive and often overreact to small disturbances, which is why this breed is not ideal for families with children. 

8. Dogo Argentino- 

In the world, the Dogo Argentino is also one of the most expensive dogs Initially molded for big game hunting, because of its muscular length. In South America and Asia, Dogo Argentino hunt wild hogs because of their muscular body.

 Dogo Argentino

Their life expectancy is 12-14 years, but they can suffer from hip dysplasia and deadness. Yet, without regular daily exercise, health issues can increase, as well as the vet costs. 

9. Pharaoh Hound- 

The Pharaoh Hound is commonly used for hunting rabbits in the Maltese Islands. These breeds are highly intelligent, and athletic. This breed life expectancy of 11-14 years but is extremely sensitive to stress.

 Pharaoh Hound

One of their notable traits is their genetic makeup; Azawakhs are loyal hounds known for their trainable nature, making them suitable companions for families and larger groups.

10. Akita- 

Akitas breed can be stubborn, and development in Japan. This breed is commonly used for hunting and helps kill boar, bears, and elk. They have both beauty and power. This breed is quite popular for their loyalty, many American servicemen got them back from Japan after a term of duty. The Akita Inu is renowned for its independent nature, making it a dog breed that typically requires some experience in handling.


In the end, a dog’s true worth transcends its breed or price tag; it lies in its temperament. While there are many fascinating dog breeds and having a special dog is wonderful, it’s crucial never to view a sentient being as a mere status symbol.

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