Skin Care Tips for Dry skin in Winter Days

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India is a country with various seasons. Here you see summer, winter, rain, and spring. When the seasons change, people change numerous things such as clothes, food, and several more. Along with these things, season changes affect our bodies and skin also. We all know that our skin is very sensitive to other body parts so it needs extra care when the season or climate change. Winters affect our skin more compared to other seasons. Dry skin in Winter is generally due to colder weather.

Dry skin In winter, cold and windy conditions outside the home leave your skin red and raw, behind this indoor heats sprint moisture by air from your skin. Winters are counted in the favorite season but sitting in the roaring fire can also dry your skin and make them dull. Many people like hot showers in winter but hot water sacks natural oil from your skin.

There are many causes of Dry Skin in Winter-

Due to environmental change, not only the outside wind but also the cold temperature at home, is not suitable for your skin. In winter, you cannot take more sunlight and you know that sunlight provides vitamin D, which can help in improving health conditions. Along with this, there are many other causes of dry skin in winter-

  • Heating your home with fireplaces, space heaters, wood-burning, and stoves these all things decrease the humidity.
  • Hot baths and showers sack your natural oil from the body. It loses moisture very quickly.
  • Using harsh soaps and face wash also removes oil from your body.
  • Low temperature and humidity outside are also causes of dry skin in Winter


Symptoms of Dry Skin in Winter –

  • Skin look rough
  • Skin observe tight after bath
  • Scaling or Flaking
  • Itching
  • Red and gray skin
  • Small cracks

Here are the tips for dry skin in winter-

1. Limit the length and frequency of your showers-

Many people take hot and long showers in winter, to experience hotness. But this is the wrong decision because hot water saps your natural oil from your body and makes your skin dry. If you use warm water then it also makes your skin dry. According to the specialist, You take a shower for between 5 to 10 minutes, and If you do not feel sweaty then you don’t need to take a shower daily in winter. Less showers are a good option to make your skin fit in winter.

2. Apply Moisturizer-

Moisture is the key to benefits in winter when you moisturize your body, you cover up your body with a moisturized layer. After a shower, don’t forget to apply moisture immediately to make your skin healthy and lock moisture in your skin. If your skin is dry then you should apply moisture 4 times a day and regular moisturizer is good when you feel dry moisture is not a good idea because there is no moisture to lock in your skin. So try to continue moisturizing your skin after a bath and when you go outside the home, help to secure it from dry winds.

3. Look for Fragrance-Free Products-

In winter, people buy fragrance moisturizers. Its fragrance is good for your nose but irritating for your body. These types of moisturize prevent your body from getting dry, itchy, and cracked also. So you should try old medicine or moisturize, like Vaseline, which is fragrance-free and not harmful to your body. Along with moisturizing, you keep fragrance detergent, which makes your clothes clean but also develops irritation. So you should try to use light fragrance detergent or soap for your clothes and winter dress also.

4. Choice a right Skin Care for Winters-

If your skin is dry then you should need extra care in winter for your face and skin also. You should choose oils and creams for your skin and regularly apply moisturizer for dryness. You should apply moisturizer after a bath, at night in your full body, and if you choose another moisture for your face then it could be ok but make sure that they are less fragrant and harmless for your face skin because your face skin is more sensitive than other skin. The specialist recommends, Using a thicker cream or lotion that is more watery and evaporates from your skin and moisturizes your skin. Along with skin and face, you should accept maintenance of your lips in winter. Use a lip balm that can help you to heal cracks on your loops and dryness due to cold wind.

5. Apply Sunscreen-

On winter days, snow and cold reflect the sun rays into UV rays, Which has been the main cause of skin cancer, sunburn, and skin aging. So it’s necessary to moisturize your skin when you go outside or play in the snow. Don’t think you cannot use moisturizer when the sun disappears in winter, 80 percent of UV rays and sunburn prevent cloudy days in winter and still cause damage. so you make sure that on darker days in winter, you should apply moisturizer and any other cream to secure your skin from UV rays.

6. Wear Comfortable and Non Irritating clothes-

Many cold dresses and clothes can cause itching and dryness in winter. Especially the hard woolen handmade sweater that directly touches your busy and starts itching and irritation. So you should try first to wear soft and light layers of clothes like cotton or silk then you wear heavy or warmer sweaters or winter clothes. Behind the clothes, you should take care of your hand in cold and windy winters,if woolen gloves are irritating then you should try leather gloves.

7. Moisturize your Hands after Washing-

After hand-washing is a good habit but in winter you should try to wash your hands after applying moisturizer to keep it safe from cracking. Especially when the common cold and flu are menaces. So apply cream or any moisturizer after every washing. You also put on cotton gloves after applying moisturizer to help the skin absorb the cream.

8. Remember to Eat Right and Stay Hydrated-

Staying hydrated from the outside is right but staying hydrated from inside the body is important. So you should try to drink a lot of water in winter. It permits you to uphold your body from drying out. According to research, people who cannot drink sufficient water are impacted by dry skin in Winter and dehydration in winter. So try a lot of water in winter. If you do not like cold water then you should drink warm water. It is also good for your skin. Food also plays an important role in keeping your body healthy so eat food with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids so they will keep your body and skin healthy.

In winter, If you experience dryness, etching, discomfort, and irritation then must try these tips to heal these causes. These tips and steps help you to secure your skin from cool winds and dryness in winter. Assume all of them into your healthy skin routine, which will help you more to prevent your skin from drying in the winter season.

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