Tips And Tricks To Master Your Instagram

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As we know, Instagram is one of the world’s most renowned social networks. It is an American photo video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook and created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and originally launched on iOS in October 2010. Instagram makes the most of your Instagram experience by connecting with the people and things you love. If you want to know more about your Instagram, then here we mention some of the tips and tricks to master your Instagram. These tips will definitely help you to master your Instagram.

It’s a social media app that allows users to share photos and videos from their lives, ass captions, edit filters, tweak settings, engage with others, and many more. But there is a lot more to it than just posting photos and videos.

Here Are Tips And Tricks To Master Your Instagram:

1) Zoom In To Instagram Profile Pictures

To see full-size Instagram Profile Pictures, you have to follow these steps:

  • Visit and enter the account username of the person whose profile photo you wish to view in full size.
  • When you have found the profile you were looking for, and it is loaded, simply click Full Size and scroll down.

2) Save A High-Res Photo Without Posting

If you want to save high-resolution photos edited from Instagram without posting them, then follow these steps:

  • Open Instagram>click on your profile> tap hamburger icon> then go to Settings.
  • After then, Click on Account> Tap Original photos>turn on Save Original Photos.
  • Same as if you are using an Android, click on Account>tap Original Posts>turn on Save Original Posts.
  • From now on, whatever you post will be saved locally on your device. Although the plan is to save edited high-res photos without posting them online, and this is how you can do it.
  • After allowing the suggested setting, put your phone on Airplane Mode.
  • Then open Instagram>click +> add any photo. Go ahead and edit it. Continue and when you are on the last page, skip adding the caption or location and only post the picture.
  • Because the Airplane mode is turned on, Instagram will not be able to post the picture, but you will have the same, edited photo in your gallery.


3) Disable/Enable Comments On Posts

If you want to disable comments on any of your Instagram posts, then this is one of the perfect tips and tricks to master your instagram.

  • Open any of your Instagram posts and click the three-dots icon in the top-right and then click Turn OFF Commenting.
  • To turn off commenting even before you have shared a post, on the final page where you add caption and location, click Advanced Settings. On the next page, enable Turn Off Commenting.
  • After then if you want to enable comments, then click the three-dots icon in the top right and click Turn On Commenting.

4) Decorate Your Feed With A Grid Of Photos

To decorate your Instagram feed follow these steps:

  • On Android, install Grid Maker For Instagram from Google Play. When installed, open the app and opt for the photo that you wish to split into nine parts.
  • When the photo opts, ensure 3×3 is selected. After then you will see your photo split and numbered into nine parts. Then click in increasing order and keep posting on your IG feed.
  • Same as If you iPhone user, you can download the app Grid Post-Grid Photo Crop to split your photo into nine parts.
  • Choose 3×3 up top, and click Photo Grids. Now click Select Photos> opt your photo> click Next. You have to keep going until you see the edit screen. You can opt to edit the picture if you wish, or you can simply go ahead by clicking Done.
  • After then click on the photos in ascending order and post them all to your IG feed.


5) Customize Your Bio With Special Fonts

To make your profile attractive, customize your bio, follow these steps to make your profile attractive:

  • Go to IG profile on the Computer because it makes the process easier. But you can also do this on your phone.
  • When you have opened your Instagram profile, click Edit Profile, and copy your name.
  • After then open a new tab and visit
  • Here, paste the text that you just copied. Now you will see the text in a variety of unique fonts. Opt any> select, and copy> go back to your Instagram profile and paste it.

6) Disappearing Texts

Instagram allows you to send a disappearing photo or video to other users, follow these steps:

  • Open Instagram> go to Direct> choose a char thread
  • Click the camera icon for sending a photo or video> click the gallery icon in the bottom to open the saved photos in the gallery> choose any photo, and when you do that, you will see at the bottom that there are three choices.
  • View once, which means the receiver will only be able to see this photo or video once. Allow Replay will permit them to play the photo for one more time. Lastly, Keep in Chat is the regular procedure of sending a photo that most of us usually follow.
  • So when you click View once, your photo will be sent to the receiver, and they will only be able to see the post only once after they have opened it.

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